Time, patience and loyalty are key ingredients in the journey of life.
People who seek pleasure in flirting get afflicted by AIDS or some other strange ailment.
Even in investing, flirting remains a risky proposition.
The human mind sometimes thinks it can beat age old values of patience and loyalty.
It seeks for a new and more profitable path. A path driven by overconfidence and greed.
But time and again, such thinking falls flat on its face and instead of making great returns, one lands up with below average returns.
It is a common occurrence that mutual funds deliver good returns but investors don't.
This is because investors are not loyal to any mutual fund and instead flirt with different funds all along their investing life.
All they succeed in is, staying married during bad times and are missing out the good times.
Just as in life, Patience and Loyalty give the best returns in the journey of investing as well.
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